Friday, February 12, 2010

The Pretty Colors Diet


This year, it's about eating more, not less!  Cholesterol is becoming a bit of a problem in this house, but a no---well, anything, diet is just gonna fail :)  So the plan is to do more of the good stuff, less of the bad.  More veggies, less meat.  More spices, less salt.  More fruit, less sugar.  More pretty colors, less dull fats....
Here's the specifics:
  1. Less meat, more produce, in every meal.   
  2. Adjust our food storage to include more ready to eat fruits and veggies so I can just toss it in a pan/bowl with out thinking prepping (Kri, you changed my life when you taught me about the pepper and onion frozen stir-fry mix, seriously!)
  3. One vegetarian meal per week......means I have to try some new stuff.
  4. More whole grains: brown rice, brown tortillas, brown bread.
Wish us luck, eh?  

1 comment:

  1. You can do it! Totally with you on the whole grains train... You've seen my pasta cannister. :)
